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Shaolin Arts

Bell Tower
The new bell tower at the Shaolin Temple

At the Tai Chi & Chi Kung Institute, we mainly teach Tai Chi and Chi Kung - in addition to a number of wushu and weapons sets, we also teach a number of traditional Shaolin sets ( SKF) of both Chi Kung and Kung Fu.

Shaolin is the origin of many of the sets and skills which we teach and practice within the Institute - there is much to be gained through study of the sets still in use at the temple and surrounding schools.

Allan teaching a Tai Chi class in the park


Shaolin Kung Fu DVD Documentry

As seen on Discovery Channel & filmed in Shaolin 2002 - China.

"Martial Arts Hot Spots"

click or copy this link below to view


or search "Martial Arts Hot Spots"

Included is : Master Allan Kelson

Colour brouchure about the Institute : Click here

Master Allan has been training at Shaolin in Kung Fu and Chi Kung sets since 1989, and his teachers are both 31st Generation Shaolin Monks from the Songshan Shaolin Temple - including his teacher Master Feng Geng Hui (Shi De Yu) who is also the director of the Henan Shaolin Wushu Institute.

Allan, Shi De Yu, Shi Yong Xin
Master Allan with his teacher, Master Feng and Shi Yong Xin, Abbot of the Shaolin Temple

Allan in the Pagoda Forest
Master Allan performing the Xiaohongquan set in the Pagoda Forest, Shaolin Temple

Allan receiving accreditdation in Shaolin
Master Allan receives certification from Master Feng at the Henan Shaolin Wushu Institute

A number of instructors from the Tai Chi & Chi Kung Institute have also been fortunate enough to train at the Henan Shaolin Wushu Institute with coach Feng Zhen Hu.

The sets which we bring back from China are those which we teach to our students:

  • Xiaohongquan - An energetic, linear set with emphasis on spring-like movements. Taught at a slow pace for new beginners.
  • Jingangquan - "Diamond Fist", a slower paced set which feels more like Tai Chi to perform.
  • 5 Static forms, Yijinjing & Baduanjin - Chi Kung sets.

Instructors in Shaolin
Institute instructors with our coach,
Feng Zhen Hu
Shaolin, Henan - October 2002.

Instructors in Shaolin
Jennifer & David in the Pagoda Forest,
Shaolin Temple

Instructors in Shaolin
David, AnnMarie & Barry practice on the plum poles

You don't have to be Jet Li or Jackie Chan to practice these sets - they're a great form of exercise and can be performed to your own level and physical capabilities. In fact, fitness is the main reason we teach these sets - they provide excellent cardio-vascular exercise, increase strength and flexibility through the use of body weight resistance and above all are great fun to do!